Bread and potato make up 70% of the food 15% of Armenia’s population take daily
Bread and potato make up 70% of the food 15% of Armenia’s population take each day. That causes numerous negative consequences, fatness among other things. Oxfam has assessed food security conditions in the countries of the South Caucasus, and concluded that the Food Index, which summarizes the challenges people face getting enough of the right food, is low in the states of the region.
According to the data, food prices in Armenia and Georgia are high as reflected in in the share of the income and the money spent on the food.
Oxfam in Armenia has organized a seminar, which presented the 2014 Survey data, which revealed that not the lack of calories but the comparative dependency on food containing starch is a real problem in the countries of the South Caucasus region.
One implication of this is the great share of underdevelopment among the children in the region.
That is to say, that if bread and potato comprise the greater share of the food people eat daily, they do not receive sufficient amount of albumen and fat resulting in malnutrition.
According to the Demographic and Health Survey 19 percent of children under 5
are underweight, while 8 percent are severely underweight. The number is highest in Syunik region (37%). According to the survey, 15 percent of Armenia’s children are overweight that is the every fifth child residing in Armenia.
In Armenia the affordability to fruits and vegetables levels at 1.8% to 65.4%. The unaffordability is especially high in rural and mountainous communities reaching up 95%. The data also show that 46,4% of Armenia’s population have experienced insufficient food in the last 12 months.