G. Kostanyan: The enforcement of the ECHR verdict regarding the Armenian refugee’s case will lead to the restoration of the rights of others
Turning to the enforcement process of the verdicts issued by ECHR Grand Chamber regarding the cases of Chiragov and Others v. Armenia and Sargsyan v Azerbaijan, during the Armenia TV program “R-Evolution” Gevorg Kostanyan, Republic of Armenia Government Representative before the European Court of Human Rights, stressed that according to the conclusion drawn by Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, these two cases are not equal because of a sole reason: if in Sargsyan’s case the only subject is the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chiragovs’ case the participation of at least two subjects is required.
Thus not being internationally recognized as an independent country but being in compliance with all state-specific standards, NKR can mechanically gain “some kind of international legal personality” at least from the human rights defence perspective within its country.
“Consequently all the issues regarding the enforcement or the ways of the enforcement of the verdict regarding Chiragov’s case are to be discussed with direct participation of the NKR, which is very important. This is one of the cases when NKR can present its own position in international platform,” G. Kostanyan stressed.
G. Kostanyan has informed that ECHR is already considering the enforcement process of the verdict of the case Sargsyan v Azerbaijan. In summer Azerbaijan is expected to present the ways of settling the property issue of the Armenian refugee.
“We have filed 750-800 lawsuits to the ECHR on behalf of our refugee and the enforcement of this ruling will lead to the restoration of the rights of other Armenian refugees,” G. Kostanyan concluded.
Touching upon the murder case of Gurgen Margaryan G. Kostanyan noted that The RA government is involved as the third party in this case and has presented its stance in a comprehensive manner regarding both the actions of the Hungarian and Azerbaijani governments.
“We have presented evidence claiming that the activities of the Hungarian government have indirectly led to the violation of the rights stipulated by the European Convention and the international documents. Meanwhile we have stated that by granting pardon to Ramil Safarov the Azerbaijan president has violated the most important value: the respect towards the right of life.
And I believe that a ruling will be issued at least in the coming year. I hope that verdict will clearly state the illegal character of the activities of both the Hungarian government and the Azerbaijani president,” G. Kostanyan said.