Currently situation on the frontline is relatively calm: NKR Defence Ministry
The escalation on the Line of Contact between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan that initiated since 12:15, 11 November has been preserved on the night of 11-12 November. As the Press Service of NKR Defense Ministry reports overnight november 11-12 the Azerbaijani forces have violated the ceasefire over 55 times firing around 570 shots towards the Armenian frontier troops from weapons of different calibers, sniper rifles of larger calibers and machine guns.
The adversary have also applied 60mm (13 shells) and 82mm (56 shells) mortars in the north-eastern (Talish and Yarmja) directions of the frontline.
Defence Army suffered no losses due to the provocations initiated by the Azerbaijani forces.
The Vanguard Units of the Defence Army fully control the situation on the frontline and contine confidently carrying out their combat duties.
Currently the situation on the frontline is relatively calm.