Hayk Kotanjian: Legal security issues are in the spotlight in Armenia
Today, in the roundtable discussion on the subject “The Election Campaign of the National Assembly of the RA in the Context of Security and Foreign Policy Issues”, the Head of the National Defense Research University (NDRU), MoD, RA, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Lieutenant-General Hayk Kotanjian touched upon the problem of forming an expert community and using institutional tools in the field of security and foreign policy.
According to Professor Kotanjian, the close cooperation of specialists of these fields with the expert community may ensure high effectiveness; and Israel can be considered as the best example.
“For the national security system it is very important that the Government is represented in the Parliament. Moreover, Deputy Ministers are necessarily appointed from among the MPs and carry out a special political and security mission; they bridge the activities of the Knesset and the Government in the format of cooperation in the relevant departmental spheres. This is a very complex, but effective system”, he said.
Speaking about the situation after the Constitutional reforms, Kotanjian stressed the fact that in Armenia highest level attention is paid to the issues of legal security. Professor Kotanjian also expressed his opinion that given the importance of security issues in Armenia in the context of Constitutional reforms the need emerges for introducing changes also in the activities of the National Security Council (NSC).