Some eye diseases begin to occur at younger age in Armenia, doctor warns
Some 6000 people, including 250 children are diagnosed with serious vision problems in Armenia, an Armenian doctor warned Monday.
At a news conference dedicated to the World Sight Day, Ophthalmologist-microsurgeon at Eximer and Laser Department of Ophthalmological Center after S. Malayan, Lusine Bekirska-Tamazyan pointed out three types of blindness – temporary, permanent and restorative.
Cataracts are the most common cause of temporary loss of vision, which is curable. The doctor called on the elderly people not to be afraid to seek help from experts, with the cataracts surgery lasting only 10 minutes.
Glaucoma, which damages the eye's optic nerve, can lead to total permanent vision loss if left untreated.
Ms. Lusine Bekirska-Tamazyan named retinopathy one of the so-called diseases of civilization, highlighting the latter is already treatable in Armenia.
Keratoconus is an eye disorder characteristic to ancient nations, as the Armenians and Greeks. A previously untreatable disease, Keratoconus has been treated in Armenia for eight years already, she added.
The doctor named nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism as common types of temporary vision loss mainly caused by TV, computers and mobile phones, stating young children are beginning to develop those diseases in Armenia.
According to the ophthalmologist, if such eye problems were previously observed at the age of 13-14, currently kids as young as age 6-7 begin to develop those eye problems. Surgeries of the mentioned diseases are operated in Armenia for already 17 years, the doctor detailed. She also attached importance to the diet, however did not overestimate its role, recommending intake of calcium-rich foods for kinds.
Psychologist Anna Badalyan, in attendance of the discussion, highlighted vision impairment also leaves psychological impact on people, since the distorted perception of images, colors lead to a lack of human emotions, hopes resulting in a nervous condition.
The experts urge people to take care of their health, since preventing problems is always easier.