Eduard Sharmazanov: By defending Brest, Armenian soldiers also defended Yerevan from fascists
The Armenian parliamentary delegation headed by Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov and accompanied by the Vice-chairman of the Belarusian House of Representatives Boleslav Pirshtuk visited today the city of Brest to commemorate the Armenian soldiers, who died to defend the Brest Fortress during the Great Patriotic War.
As the press department at the parliament reported, the delegation members laid flowers at the carved stone cross dedicated to the fallen Armenian soldiers and paid tribute to their memory.
“From the first days of the Great Patriotic War thousands of Armenians left for the battlefield to defend our common motherland from fascism. 300 thousand Armenian soldiers out of 600 thousand paid their lives in the war. By defending Minsk and Brest, they defended Yerevan and the whole Armenia. Eternal glory to the memory of those who fell for Fatherland,” Sharmazanov said.