Profitable deposit on the occasion of Converse Bank’s 25th anniversary
Converse Bank is launching a new deposit “Converse 25” on the occasion of the Bank's 25th anniversary. As the Bank reported in a press release, the deposit is unique in the banking system; in case of its early termination, depositors are not deprived of the accrued interest amount.
““Converse 25” is a deposit with maturity of 25 months, with a higher interest rate starting from the 13th month of depositing than the interest rate applied during the first year. In case of early termination of the deposit, the interest amount is paid to the customer based on the interest rate applied at the time of making the deposit (for the period of 1-12 months). These are the main advantages of this deposit as compared to other similar offers,” said the Bank.
The possibility of partial withdrawal from the principal amount during the deposit maturity, as well as higher interest rates as compared to similar offers available at the market were mentioned as other advantages of “Converse 25”.
It was also mentioned that Converse Bank would soon present other advantageous offers in connection with its 25th anniversary.