Have you read this yet?
In principle, we do not have a Parliament (National Assembly) right now and the MPs are working with "debt" until the new Parliament is elected. What the new Parliament will be like, what role it will play, what history it will make and how it will position itself is a matter of the future.Now, let’s take a walk around the National Assembly building, with as many explanatory comments as possible.
In our opinion, it is absolutely unnecessary, the National Assembly should have a session hall and rooms. No need for extra talk))
Oh, with regard to this place, we can state with confidence that this is the only place where EVERYONE loves to be in.
Just think…
Of course, these are the corridors where the journalists are trying to get comments from the MPs. By the way, the speed at which the MPs walk has always amazed us.
The red carpet is for softening the possible fall.
We think this is a good hint that there will be no closed sessions in the new National Assembly.
The worker is trying to cover the incomplete records of the SCP + PAP.
Of course, it’s not the boxes that are surprising in this photo; people have written laws for years and will take them home to somehow make use of ... what is surprising is the floor, why is it covered by a worn-out carpet?
This can be considered a proposal: if security demands that the workers wear orange outfit in the National Assembly, the same should be extended to the MPs. A new hit, and no unnecessary publications as to which MP what kind of suit is wearing.
And this is the place where each MP thinks while passing-by, will I pass again in the new year ...