RPA: Official results of the elections not reflecting the outcome we were struggling for
The Republican Party Central Headquarters has issued a statement, assessing the snap parliamentary elections held in Armenia on Sunday. “These elections were democratic in form but not in substance,” the statement by the former ruling party reads in part, adding: “The elections were held under the circumstances of intolerance towards third opinions by candidates and their supporters, severe pressure on heads of local self-government bodies and propaganda of the hatred,”
It expresses regret that the electoral campaign in particular drew deep dividing lines.
“We wish success to all forces who will be represented in the parliament and the future cabinet as the security and the prospects for development of our country and people mostly depends on it.”
The authors once again emphasize that the concerns voiced during the campaign were the expression of their discontent with the trends of the security, foreign, social-economic policies implemented by the acting leadership
RPA vows to continue its activity as an extra parliamentary opposition and adds that despite differences on inter-political arena, the party remains committed to the solutions of the people’s needs and firmly stands by the Armed Forces.
Thanking to all its supporters, the Republican Party notes that the official results of the elections do not reflect the outcome they were struggling for.
“Be confident, we will exert every effort to not allow the noise of populism to silence your voice and make sure all concerning issues will remain in the political agenda of the country,” concludes the statement.