No precipitation expected in Armenia in next five days
No precipitation is predicted in Armenia in the daytime of August 10 and on 11-15 August.
Northwest wind speed is 3-8 m/s. Strong winds up to 20-25 m/s are expected in Kotayk Province, in the foothills of Aragatsotn Province and in Armavir Province in the evening hours.
In the daytime of 10 August the air temperature is set to rise by 2-3 degrees, the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a daily weather update.
Capital Yerevan will also see no precipitation in the next five days. In the evening hours the wind speed may reach up to 20-25 m/s in the city.
Meantime, the ministry warned of a high risk of fire in the valleys and foothills of the country over the next five days.