U.S. Congress members ask for ‘immediately’ half of military aid to Azerbaijan
The Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues on 27 September addressed a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, Voice of America’s Armenian service reports.
The letter signed by Representatives Frank Pallone, Jackie Speier and Adam Schiff raised grave concerns about “the recent dramatic increase in Department of Defense assistance for the Republic of Azerbaijan and the clear lack of parity in financial aid to the Republic of Armenia.”
The Congressional Caucus urged the Departments of State and Defense to uphold to Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act of 1992 which specifically prohibits U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan until the Azerbaijani government “takes demonstrable steps to cease all blockades and other offensive uses of force against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.”
“We ask for the immediate halt of military aid to Azerbaijan, a reassessment of the Section 907 waiver and for your Departments to provide the detailed reports required by U.S. law to the public regarding aid to Azerbaijan. We look forward to your prompt reply to this request,” the Congress members concluded.