Bashar al-Assad refers to the Armenian community as an example of Syrian diversity
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad insists national and religious minorities in Syria enjoy full rights which is part of Syrian diversity and that the country has no adverse view on that. Bashar al-Assad’s remarks came during an interview given to Damascus-based Al-Sourea and al-Ikhbariya TV on Thursday. At a question about the Kurds living in Syria, the President exemplified the Armenian minority as an example of Syrian diversity.
“The Armenians have been a patriotic group par excellence. This was proven without a shadow of doubt during the war. At the same time, this group has its own societies, its own churches and more sensitively, it has its own schools. And if you attend any Armenian celebration, a wedding, or any other event --- they sing their traditional songs but afterwards they sing national, politically-inclined songs,” said Assad.
In the president’s words, the Syrian Armenians are the least, among other Armenians of the world, dissolved in society. “They have integrated, but not dissolved into Syrian society. They have maintained all their characteristics. Why should we be open here and unopen with others?” Assad questioned.
In his words, the reason is that there are separatist propositions and it is their right to defend the territorial integrity and to be wary of separatist propositions.