China says it may have detected signs of alien life
Chinese researchers said that the country’s powerful Sky Eye telescope may have picked up signs of alien life, before a report was quickly deleted, The Independent reported.
The giant radio telescope detected electromagnetic signals of life on other planets, according to the report published by the official newspaper of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Daily.
A team of researchers from Beijing Normal University were said to be investigating the mysterious discovery further.
“[There were] several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the earth,” the report said.
But by Wednesday the report appeared to have been removed from the newspaper’s website, according to
Zhang Tonjie, chief scientist of the university’s extraterrestrial civilization search team, told the newspaper that the discovery could have been some kind of radio interference.
“The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it needs to be further confirmed and ruled out. This may be a long process,” he explained.
The Sky Eye is a 500-metre telescope that came into use in 2020 with the goal of detecting alien life.