Stolen Van Gogh painting damaged during museum heist
The Vincent van Gogh painting stolen from the Singer Laren museum in 2020 was damaged during the theft, but nut irreparably, said art restorer Marjan de Visser.
The painting was recovered last year when a man delivered it to art detective Arthur Brand one evening. It was shown to reporters during a media event a the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot in Rotterdam on Wednesday, where it will remain for several months, NL Times reported.
The painting, known in Dutch as De Lentetuin and in English as The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring, will be further studied to determine the necessary repairs and restorations following the theft. De Visser said the top left corner likely broke when it was bumped against something,
Since the theft, the painting developed several deep scratches that broke through all layers of paint. One scratch cut all the way to the canvas. At other points, varnish was damaged. The experts who studied the painting said they believe all of the damage can be repaired.
"It's not too bad for us," said Andreas Blühm from the Groninger Museum. The painting is expected to be put on display at his museum from March 29, four years after it was stolen off the Singer Laren museum wall during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic. Until then, fans of the artwork can view it later this month while it undergoes restoration at the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot.