Short news
Tropical Storm Humberto expected to drop up to 15cm of rain as operation to provide food and shelter continues.
The precise targets and the extent of possible damage were unclear. Aramco did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
over his disclosure of top-secret documents that revealed the extent of the global surveillance programmes run by American and British spy agencies.
Debate over Netherlands’ colonial past resurfaces with switch to ‘17th century’ as alternative.
While the world's attention has been focused on the fires raging in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, indigenous people living there have warned that the policies of President Jair Bolsonaro pose a bigger threat to their existence.
The NFL has prioritized helmet safety amid growing concerns over the long-term impacts of concussions.
Hong Kong has been disrupted for almost 15 weeks by increasingly violent demonstrations, which were initially sparked by an extradition bill.
The Oscar-winning Cold Mountain actress wiped away tears as she took the stage to a sustained standing ovation Tuesday night following the film’s premiere at the Canadian city’s Princess of Wales Theatre: “Okay quit it! You’re messing up my makeup!” the 50-year-old joked.
A study found some of the highest recorded levels of toxic chemicals and mercury in the bodies of bottlenose dolphins off the French coast.
Fertility experts Roger Mieusset and Bourras Bengoudifa measured the temperature of French postmen's testicles, both naked and clothed.
Ten of Paris's 16 lines were shut and service on the others was disrupted.
Gangsters, superheroes, schoolkids, lovers, slaves, peasants, techies, Tenenbaums and freefalling astronauts – they’re all here in our countdown of cinema’s best movies since 2000.
In a speech made during his visit to Bataan Thursday, the President suggested shooting the corrupt official in the foot to avoid a prison sentence and even offered to defend such action.
you likely saw a giant inflatable rat sitting on the street. The president spoke at a Republicans’ retreat being held Thursday through Sunday at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Harbor East, and protestors were there too- with props.
All people must be able to access full asylum procedures and international protection, UNHCR spokesman Andrej Mahecic told a news briefing, voicing concern for Central American families on the move in need of safe haven.